Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 125: Uncle Brian and Aunt Catie come and visit

Uncle Brian and Aunt Catie came over for dinner tonight. We had a good time and I enjoyed showing them some of my new tricks!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 124: My New Statistics

4 Months Old
25 1/2' long
Still Cute as a Button! =)

Day 124: Pull Me Up a Chair

After Mom and Dad tricked me into two shots at the doctors, we came home for dinner. I've decided that I would like to be at the table with them when they have dinner each night - that way I don't miss anything.
My Bumbo chair had a tray just for my toys, but I thought it was much more fun to pull it off.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 123: Fun with Neighbors

I got to have some playtime outside today with my buddies Joey and Emma! Here I am on mommy's blanket with Joey - my future prom date!
Here's Emma smiling for the camera.

Ms Jolene was hanging out with mommy, Joey and I while Emma entertained us.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 122: 4 months old!

I turned 4 months old today! Mommy and I got to play outside it was so gorgeous. That's the best part of being a winter baby, by the time you can play outside it's so nice.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 120: Take your daughter to work day

Today in observance of National Take Your Daughter to Work Day Daddy took me to work! As you can tell from this picture I found most of Daddy's job pretty boring and remained unimpressed. However I did get to hang out with Daddy's office mate Christine and her daughter Leylah which was pretty fun!

Here we are outside the office. I was too intrigued by the cars to look at the camera.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 119: Exersaucering

Mom let me check out a new toy while she did some laundry tonight. I was absolutely loving being able to "stand" up on my own.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 118: Walking with my Daddy!

Tonight instead of going for a walk in my stroller, Daddy decided to take a turn carrying me around. I also had my first trip facing out so I could see what was going on. I had a great time! =)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 117: More Tummy Time

My dress is SO yummy! Now I'm eating my finger - what I do when I'm not eating my dress!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 116 Down time with Bailey

After a crazy day yesterday meeting people all across Pittsburgh I decided to chill out on the play pad at Gramma and Pap's place. Bailey decided to hang out and watch me for a while.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 115 Visting the 'Burgh!

This weekend Mommy Daddy and I (and Maz) went to visit Daddy's home town of Pittsburgh! On Saturday afternoon we all went over to see the neighborhood where Daddy grew up. No visit to Brookline would be complete without a visit to Ms. Matthew. She has always been like a second mom to Gramma and Pap and a grandmother to Daddy and Aunt Megan. It was great to finally get to meet her and I can't wait to see her again in July!

After a fun afternoon at Ms. Matthew's house we went to Gramma and Paps's house where I got to meet some of Daddy's aunts, cousins and Gramma and Pap's neighbors!

Here I am with Shannon, Dave and McKenzie Stout. McKenzie LOVES to hold me! Baby Stout is on the way can't wait to meet him or her!

Here I am with the Rajchels

I got to meet Pap's Sister Peggy too!

Last but not least here I am with Pap and Gramma's neighbors Theresa and Marge. They are quite a hoot!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 113 Rice Cereal

After weeks of me staring at food mom and dad finally decided tonight to give me a shot at solid food! My first foray was rice cereal. I did pretty well taking in about half of it before deciding I needed milk to wash it down!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 109 Daddy's back and Maddie leaves

Daddy came back from one of his far flung work adventures on Friday. I missed him a lot and am glad to see him back safe and sound. We have had quite a bit of QT since he has been back and he picked up where he left off teaching me college fight songs and the finer points of break dancing to Michael Jackson.
Here Mommy Daddy and I are hanging out at the Silver Diner at Union Station before seeing Maddie off.

And here is Maddie loving on me before she left. I was way more fascinated by my fist than the camera. I sure do miss having Maddie around already I can't wait till she comes down to see me again!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 106: Getting ready for the summer....

Maddie and Mommy dressed me up tonight in my new outfit from Aunt Michele. Isn't my coverup adorable! I'm getting ready for the pool.
Preview for the pool...
Thanks Aunt Michele!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 105: Rolling Over Back to Belly

Today I was in my toy on the floor while Mommy and Maddie were eating dinner. I kept smiling before and after mom took my picture. Hahaha....
I was smirking at myself in the little mirror hanging from the toy.
Pulling on my ladybug is SO much fun! =)
This is when mommy and Maddie decided to eat dinner. When they were "ignoring" me, I decided to roll from my back to my tummy. Not only am I advanced that way, but I also have found how to use the pull toys to leverage the rollover. Maddie says I'm advanced since I'm already using tools!
Here I am hanging out with one of the other Madelyns. She is staying here this week while on her Spring Break. I've been having fun with her in the afternoons.