Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 339: Happy Turkey Day

We had Thanksgiving with Nin and Pop and I really enjoyed my mashed potatoes.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 338: Napping with Uncle Brian

I decided today I didn't want to take a nap for anyone. Grandma and Pop even took me for a walk to put me to bed with no dice. It wasn't until poor Uncle Brian got stuck carrying me up the LONG driveway did I decide to take a nap. Thanks for holding me Uncle Brian!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 334: Helping with laundry

Here I am helping mommy with laundry!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 326: Zoo with the Girls

I had a lot of visitors this weekend since dad was supposed to be away. After having two full days of Madelyn days (with Maddie and Grandma), we shared with more family for the weekend. Dad was a little overwhelmed with all the women! It was Grandma, Aunt Joanne, Aunt Jane, Cary, Maddie and Hope. Today we went to the National Zoo in DC. Cary pushed me through the zoo in my BOB stroller.
We saw pandas and elephants!
Here we are hanging out at the zoo.
Smile! Me with all my visitors.
After the zoo we went to Jason's deli for lunch. I really enjoyed my ice cream cone.
Grandma tried to turn the cone for me and I was not having it.
Yummy! =)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 323: Multi Tasking

Daddy and I have a night time routine. He brings me upstairs, undresses me, starts the water then when it warms up plops me down when he puts the stopper in. I am still trying to figure out why I can't climb up the water into the spout!

Now that I have all these chompers as mommy calls them I need to brush my teeth. To avoid getting tooth paste everywhere dad just gives me the toothbrush in the tub so I can brush my teeth while playing!