Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 15: My first bottle and hanging with Maz

Daddy got to feed me my first bottle tonight. He was very excited that he finally got to feed me and after getting use to it for a few minutes we got into a pretty good rhythm together. Daddy said it was the happiest moment he shared with me yet...especially because it was during the BCS championship game!

After I ate Maz came up to hang out for a bit.


  1. The picture of Maz and Madelyn is absolutely adorable :) And excellent work with the bottle!

  2. Hey there, Madelyn--it looks like you are growing some more hair!! Just love the fact that you and dad have time to chill together. And dad -- don't forget your ND bottle!

  3. Gramma just wants you to know that Auntie Jean adores this picture of you and Maz. Amazing since she is a cat person!
