Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 171: My first trip to the beach! =)

Mommy, Aunt Jane, Uncle Charlie and Maddie took me to Spring Lake today. It was my first trip to the beach, and I LOVED it. I enjoyed the sand and the water. I wore my swimwear from Aunt Michele. I was styling.
Here I am sitting in the sand. It didn't bother me one bit.

I loved moving my feet in the sand. It was nice and warm.I enjoyed sitting with Maddie - us Madelyns love the Jersey Shore.I took turns letting everyone hold me for pictures. I was the most photographed person on the beach today.

All the fun in the sun wore me out! I didn't last long in the sun tent before Aunt Jane held me - it was too windy!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! She even met the Polidant Man on the beach! She is one lucky gal!
